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Friday, June 18, 2010

Introducing... My writing Portfolio

Soon to be archived here in massive floods will be the bulk, or rather, the sum total of my various and sundry odd written works which have withstood the test of time, and the occasional complete document corruption. These works vary widely from literary reviews and the like to laboratory reports, poems, journal entries, research reports on a plethora of subjects, college assignments and pieces written with the sole intent of quelling boredom. Most are reproduced with the utmost attention paid to fidelity of copy, the works edited ONLY for serious mechanical or spelling / syntax errors. The purpose of this archive is not to reproduce perfect versions of the original flawed works, but rather to provide a chronicling, or curriculum vitae, of the advances in technique and the evolution of mens of the writer.

Those pieces which appear in their original form in a foreign language are also accompanied by an english language translation. In translating, extreme care has been taken to maintain fidelity to the original copy and rhythm of the writing in addition to the syntax and meaning of the words employed both denotative and connotative. As the foreign language pieces have been composed at a number of different skill levels during my study of the language, some may seem rudimentary and simple when translated.

This blog is to be made public for the enjoyment, ridicule, constructive criticism, and discussion of the community at large- just try to keep it above the belt. Furthermore, these writings are the sole legal property of the author- myself, Nathaniel Evan Kistner- and are not to be reproduced in any media, for any reason without my express written consent. Failure to follow the warning enclosed regarding the media reproduced here will result in the pursuit of legal action to the fullest extent of the law.

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